Anastasios (Tasos) Stamoulakatos

I am passionate about automating real world processes of inspection and manufacturing. I enjoy solving real-world probelms using Machine Learning, collaborating with other researchers and engineers and seeing my models from development to production.

I am currently working as a Research Assistant in CMAC where I am developing machine learning models that correlate particle microscopy data with bulk powder properties with the goal of improving the decision-making in medicine manufacturing.

In adittion, I am a PhD candidate in EEE Department of University of Strathclyde under the supervision of Christos Tachtatzis in Glasgow, UK. My PhD is focused on the automation of subsea survey video annotations using Deep Learning. To address that, I have developed models of image and video classification, domain adaptation and GANs. Furthermore, during the last 4 years I have been involved in projects of object detection, instance segmentation and have given various presentations to stakeholders, industrial partners and non-technical personel.

Before that, I completed my MEng at the National Technical University of Athens in Athens, Greece, department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In my diploma thesis, I worked on classifying ultrasound images of carotids based on their levels of entropy and complexity, using Wavelet Transforms and SVM with rbf kernel under the supervision of Konstantina Nikita.