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Future Blog Post

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Automatic Annotation of Subsea Pipelines Using Deep Learning

Published in MDPI Sensors, 2020

The paper presents an automatic image annotation framework that identifies/classifies key events of interest in subsea pipelines survey video.

Recommended citation: Stamoulakatos, A.; Cardona, J.; McCaig, C.; Murray, D.; Filius, H.; Atkinson, R.; Bellekens, X.; Michie, C.; Andonovic, I.; Lazaridis, P.; Hamilton, A.; Hossain, M.M.; Di Caterina, G.; Tachtatzis, C. "Automatic Annotation of Subsea Pipelines Using Deep Learning." Sensors 2020, 20, 674.

A Comparison of the Performance of 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Subsea Survey Video Classification

Published in OCEANS 2021, 2021

The paper presents an automatic image annotation framework that identifies/classifies key events of interest in subsea pipelines survey video.

Recommended citation: A. Stamoulakatos et al., "A Comparison of the Performance of 2D and 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Subsea Survey Video Classification," OCEANS 2021: San Diego – Porto, 2021, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.23919/OCEANS44145.2021.9706125.



C++ Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate Course, University of Strathclyde, EEE Department, 2018

  • Assisted 2nd year students in C++ lab exercises and final project
  • Taught fundamentals of coding and object oriented programming